Brazilian Room Berkeley Wedding { Anastasia + Christian }
Anastasia and Chris had a lovely wedding day at the Brazilian Room in Tilden Park, Berkeley!
The day began with some changes to the wedding as the outdoor ceremony was thwarted by rain. But there was no stopping this couple’s special moments. The wedding was moved indoors and located in front of a gorgeous fireplace crackling a toasty fire! What a beautiful backdrop to the nuptials.
Halfway through the reception the skies cleared and the sun came out! Of course, I whisked the couple outside for some scenic portraits. I just love the reflections cast by the wet ground!
The food was amazing (as usual) as the catering was provided by Serves You Right.
Cake was lovingly crafted by Carolyn Wong Cakes (and OH SO DECADENT)
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The bride, Anastastia, is a baker and owner of Indie Cakes & Pastries herself so she provided the assortment of french macaroons as well as some amazing cupcakes!
Flowers were just the perfect compliment to the location and designed by Laura Miller Designs.
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