Brazilian Room Berkeley Wedding { Cynthia + Steve }
Cynthia and Steve’s wedding day was absolutely gorgeous and the setting was in Berkeley’s amazing Tilden Regional Park at the Brazil Room.
The day began with bridal preparations at a nearby hotel, DoubleTree Hilton (Berkeley Marina). I love photographing this part of the day as it eases the bridal party into being documented all day and I get to “warm-up” as well getting into the mood and emotional setting of the bride. Plus, details are so important to capturing the day and photographing all of those specially picked details are ever so special to the service I give each couple. My favorite photo from this time was the bride, Cynthia walking to the car and capturing her dress billow out with the wind along with the fantastic expression on Cynthia’s face!
The ceremony was beautiful and we had PERFECT conditions. Sometimes at this location you get fog in the hills or it is just too sunny on the faces. However, today all was perfect!
In choosing photos which captured the spirit of the day as well as the photos that speak most to me, I loved the “selfie” group photo and the photo bombing groom photo (look closely behind the photo of the bride and her ladies!)
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. These are those totally spontaneous moments that can never be “posed” but only captured by a photographer who is constantly observing and ever ready to whip her camera up to document it!
The day could not have been complete without the efforts of some wonderful vendors. Kudos to you, guys:
Florals: Laura Miller Design
Baker: Indie Cakes & Pastries, Anastasia Widiarsih
DJ/Music Services: Quantum Music Event Planners
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